
About angels

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So far angels has created 257 blog entries.

February 2017

Godfrey Nzamujo

Father Godfrey Nzamujo, O.P. was born in Kano, Nigeria in 1950. He achieved several degrees including: B.A. in Modern Philosophy and Mathematics, M.A. in Theology (Creation-Centered/Evolution Option) Higher Diploma in Systems Engineering M.S. in Electrical Engineering at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Service from the University of [...]

Chantal Lembo Bashizi

After her Law and Notary studies at the Catholic University of Louvain, Chantal Lembo Bashizi has practiced as a lawyer at the Bar of Brussels where she was enrolled in the French-speaking Order of Barristers. In November 2005, President Joseph Kabila appointed her as Administrative Director in the Management Committee of the Congolese Mining Cadastry. [...]

Edoh Kossi Amenounve

Mr Edoh Kossi AMENOUNVE holds a PhD in Administration and Finance from Laval University in Canada (1995) after an MBA (1992). Before taking office as CEO of the Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM) and the Central Depository/Settlement Bank (DC/BR) in October 2012, Mr. Edoh Kossi AMENOUNVE was from September 2003 to September 2012 [...]

Hadizatou Rosine Coulibaly Sori

Since 1982, Mrs. Sori Coulibaly has been committed to economic and social development. She has been occupying many national and international positions and as such worked in many countries having direct contacts with governments, the private sector and the civil society.Over the past 20 years, her long experience has been put in the service of [...]

Viwanou Gnassounou

Viwanou Gnassounou, from Togo, is an economist, financial expert and project manager with about 20 years of experience in agricultural and natural resource policy formulation, aid programming, sectoral commodity export strategies, and trade. Before joining the ACP Management Team in April 2015, he was co-manager of a Consulting firm, which provides support in the areas [...]

Guy Bultynck

Born in Ghent on September 23, 1949 Certified Master Mariner. Until 1981 Seafaring career As officer and commander, familiar with the main ports of Europe, North and South America, Africa, Oceania and Asia. As from 1981 Shore-based Until 2014 (retirement) CEO at various maritime companies in: Antwerp, Luxemburg, Paris, Pointe Noire, Rio de Janeiro, Singapore, [...]

Guillaume Samnick

Guillaume Samnick is the founder of Heru Capital Partners, a London-based firm offering advisory and fund raising services to companies and promoters from sub-Saharan Africa looking to raise equity, equity-like, and/or debt financing. The firm also provide consultancy services to government entities and NGOs.Prior to that, Mr Samnick was Vice President of Auctor Capital Partners, [...]

October 2016

Innovation time 2016

Last year once again, the Rebranding Africa forum ended with a gala and the Rebranding Africa Awards ceremony, during which the invention of Christian Cedric TOE was crowned as the winner of Innovation Time among 3 contestants. His invention, the LAAFI BAG, is a refrigerating bag capable of maintaining the temperature of vaccines such [...]

Awards 2016

Innovation Rebranding Africa Award Christian Toe, Coordinator of the project « Laafi bag » « Laafi bag » is a portable equipment used for transporting vaccines, laboratory samples and perishable products. Coupled to a prize of 10.000 €, from the ACP Group, the project will be financed with an amount of 155.000 € from a bank, sponsor of [...]

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