Speakers ENG

May 2018

Batio Bassiere

Batio Bassiere Minister of Environment, Green Economy and Climate Change of Burkina FasoCurrent position / organization He is head of the Ministry of Environment, Green Economy and Climate Change. It is responsible for implementing and monitoring the Government's environmental policy, the green economy and climate change.Thus, he coordinates the implementation of the following programs:Sustainable [...]

April 2018

Abdoulaye Bio Tchané

Abdoulaye BIO TCHANE Senior Minister of Planning and Development of Benin Republic Mr. Bio Tchane is currently Senior Minister of Planning and Development of the Republic of Benin since 2016 following the election of His Excellency Patrice TALON as President of Benin Republic. Prior to that, Mr. Bio Tchane has held senior positions in [...]

Youssef Travaly

Youssef Travaly Vice-President of Science Innovation & Institutional Partnerships, Next Einstein Forum Dr. Youssef Travaly (PhD, MBA) is the Next Einstein Forum Vice-President of Science Innovation & Institutional Partnerships. He is in charge of articulating the NEF’s scientific and technological ambitions including managing the policy aspects and Global Gathering program. He is also responsible [...]

October 2017

Segda Vincent de Paul

Mr Segda Vincent de Paul, is the Industrial Director of Sofitex. Qualification: Electro-Mechanical EngineerProfessional experience at SOFITEX :he joined SOFITEX on 5th January 1989From February 1989 to april 1990 : Production Team Manager at Bobo 3 ginning factoryFrom May 1990 to November 1993 : Deputy Head of Electricity DivisionFrom November 1993 to December 1995 : [...]

Patrice Passy

Patrice PASSY, Expert and International consultant, is director of DB CONSEILS, consulting firm specialized in management of organizations, economic Intelligence and Communication of influence. He is in addition to his consulting activities, the President of the University of African knowledge and founder of the African endogenous strategic thinking. Former adviser to the prime Minister [...]

Lota Tamini

Professor in International Trade, Agricultural Policies Teacher and researcher in the Department of food-industry economy and the sciences of the consumer goods of the Laval University (Canada), he is also Director of the Center of Multidisciplinary Studies in Trade and Investment of the High International Studies (Laval University,Canada). Before teaching at Laval University, he [...]

Maha Ganem

Maha GANEM is an online & broadcast journalist and producer specialised in European affairs, African politics, youth, entrepreneurship and political changes in the EU & Africa. She monitors closely and reports on how African & European youth are changing their lives and the lives of others through innovation and ICT and how they are [...]

September 2017

Vanessa Moungar

Ms. Vanessa Moungar is the African Development Bank’s Director for Gender, Women and Civil Society. She leads the Group’s strategy on gender and investments in women, aiming to accelerate progress on women’s economic development and thus Africa’s transformation through a more inclusive growth. She is also in charge of the Bank’s engagement with the Civil [...]

Karim Sy

Karim SY is the founder of Jokkolabs initiative. He has managed for more 15 years a strategy and technology firm based in Dakar involved in large digital transformation project such as digitalization of the credit process of a bank, digitalization of the custom (import-export process) that become the senegalese international wining platform Orbus/Gaïnde 2000. [...]

Taha Amiar

Taha Amiar is a global knowledge manager and an award-winning sustainable analyst. Taha Amiar advocates potential solutions to assist the Moroccan civil society, community, business and stakeholders in adopting green technologies. He has extensive experience with public relations, business promotion, and corporate banking. Taha Amiar holds a master’s degree in finance from the Toulouse Business [...]

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